
Human Digestive System

Human Digestive System

Human Digestive System Human Digestive system includes Gastrointestinal Tract and other accessory parts like the liver, intestines, glands, mouth, stomach, gallbladder. There are 6 main functions of the Human Digestive System Process: Ingestion, Motility, Secretion, Digestion, Absorption, Excretion. The food that you eat gives you not only the required energy and nutrients to the body but also is used…

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Microbes in household products

There are various microbes present in our daily household products.Here we are going to discuss some examples.Several microbes are used in the production of household products, especially in food, beverages, and cleaning agents. Here are some key examples: 1. Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB): Function: These bacteria ferment sugars into lactic acid, which helps preserve food…

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What is RNA

RNA was the first regulatory chemical that evolved at the time of origin of life.In early life forms RNA was the genetic material.The structure of RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) differs from DNA in several important ways, though it shares some similarities as well. Here’s an outline of the structure of RNA: 1. Single-Stranded: Unlike DNA, RNA…

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Structure of DNA

DNA is a long double chain or duplex ‘molecule’ formed of millions of deoxyribonucleotides.DNA duplex has a diameter of 20 A.The duplex is coiled plectonemically in a right handed manner just as rope stair is twisted to form a spiral.this coiling produces alternate major and minor grooves. The structure of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) is often…

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Immunoglobulin Structure and Classes

Immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies, are glycoprotein molecules produced by plasma cells or white blood cells. They specifically recognize and bind to particular antigens. This page introduces the nomenclature and criteria used to describe the structure, classes, and functional types of immunoglobulins. Structure of immunoglobulins Antibody (or immunoglobulin) molecules are glycoproteins composed of one or more…

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circulatory sysytem

Human body systems

There are approximately 79 human anatomy organs, although there is no standard or universally accepted number. ently? they function in groups called systems. An organ system is a group of organs working together for proper functioning of our body. There are eleven systems in the human body: circulatory (blood supply), respiratory (breathing), digestive (digestion and absorption), nervous (sensation and movement), excretory (waste elimination), endocrine (hormonal control), reproductive, lymphatic (defence), skeletal (support), and muscular (movement)…

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